Doesn't she seem a little angry? 좀 화난거같지않나요?

Well, she has issues.  문제가 있으니깐요 

Does she? 그래요?


He's out banging women with a club, while she sits at home  trying to get the mastodon smell out of the carpet.

남편이다른여자랑 놀아나고 있는동안 부인은 집에앉아서 카펫에서 코끼리 냄새나 빼고 있쟎아요.

That GLACIER'S getting kind of close. 

빙하가다가오고 있어 

speaking of issues isn't that your ex-wife?

그런데 저기 혹시, 당신 전부인 아닌가요?

How about I'll catch up with you in the ice age. 빙하시대에서 다시만나죠 


You never know 그건 아무도 모르는거지 


It looks like she didn't leave in such a hurry after all.

그렇게 급하게 떠난 거 같지는 않은데 


Are you through with that? 다 마셨지? 

그거 다 마쳤니?


The swallowing slowed me down. 천천히 마셔서.


I balled it up.. 내가 그걸 구겼어. 

ball up 둥그런 공모양으로 구기는 것 


You don't see Ross getting all chaotic and twirly every time they come. 로스는 부모님이 오실 때마다 너처럼 혼란스럽고 꼬여있진 않쟎어 


That's because as far as my parents are concerned Ross can do no wrong.

그야 부모님한테는 로스는 완벽한 사람이니깐. 


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